How to build and deploy the fileServersNG subsystem

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Revision as of 11:36, 15 January 2019 by Tommygonk (talk | contribs)

fileServersNG is a replacement for the Alfresco file servers subsystem that uses the JFileServer code, and optionally JFileServer Enterprise add-on, to provide the file server capabilities for Alfresco. The fileServersNG subsystem is built as an AMP (Alfresco Module Package) that can then be deployed into an Alfresco Content Management Server setup.

The fileServerNG subsystem contains the JFileServer Enterprise add-on but requires a licence key to enable the additional functionality. With no valid licence key the file server subsystem will use the standard JFileServer protocols and functionality.

There is a Docker image available with an Alfresco 5.2 server configured with the fileServersNG file server subsystem, for more details see here.

Building the fileServersNG AMP

For Alfresco version 4.x and 5.x use the fileServersNG-v5 project to build the AMP. A seperate project will be available for Alfresco v.x in the near future.

One way to get the Alfresco version is to login using Share, click on the Alfresco logo at the bottom of the page, in the popup window you should see the Alfresco version, for example '5.2.f'.

  • Edit the pom.xml

In the fileServersNG-v5 project folder edit the pom.xml file, set the <alfresco.platform.version> to match your Alfresco version.

  • Build the AMP file

Using the command :-

mvn clean package

This should generate the AMP file in the target/ folder with the name fileServersNG-v5-1.x.x.amp.

Deploying the fileServersNG Subsystem

  • Copy the fileServersNG-v5.1.x.x.amp file to the alfresco/amps folder of your Alfresco server setup
  • Register the AMP using the following command
java -jar /alfresco/bin/alfresco-mmt.jar install <path-to-fileServersNG-amp-file> <path-to-alfresco-war-file> [-nobackup] [-force]

Where <path-to-fileServersNG-amp-file> is the path to the fileServersNG-v5-1.x.x.amp file in the alfresco/amps folder, and <path-to-alfresco-war-file> is the path to the original Alfresco WAR file that was deployed to the web server. If you used the Alfresco installer this would usually be the tomcat/webapps/alfresco.war file.

  • Update your Alfresco configuration

Usually done via the file. Disable the original file servers subsystem using :-


Enable and configure the fileServersNG subsystem, for example :-




Additional Setup For The JFileServer Enterprise Add-On

The JFileServer Enterprise add-on requires a valid licence key to enable it. Create the folder for the licence file at tomcat/shared/classes/license. Copy your JFileServer licence file, named jfileserver.lic, into the tomcat/shared/classes/license folder.

With the JFileServer Enterprise add-on the smb.dialects setting can also include SMB2 and SMB3 to enable the SMB2 protocol and SMB3 encryption. Use a comma delimited list of the SMB dialects to enable.