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The JFileServer code originally started out as the JLAN Server, the first version being released by Starlasoft back in the late 1990's with basic SMB1 support. As development of the JLAN Server continued, SMB1 support was enhanced, and FTP and NFS support were added, along with the database filesystem framework and smart caching.

In 2007 Alfresco Software bought the rights to the JLAN Server code rebranding it as Alfresco-JLAN, and releasing the code as open source. Development continued with the addition of support for NTLMv2 and Kerberos enterprise authentication, scalability enhancements using NIO, thread pools and memory pools, plus cluster support using Hazelcast, and FTPS support.

In recent years no new development has been done on the Alfresco-JLAN code.

At the beginning of 2018 we forked the Alfresco-JLAN code to create the JFileServer project to bring the source code up to date, and continue development of the file server.

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